[ARTICLE] Good Ideas Don’t Come From Nothing

A common piece of advice among creative types is that if you want to be more creative and have more ideas come to fruition, then you need to turn off the TV, internet, music, phone, etc. They say you must take a break from all the digital stimuli and spend more time with yourself, your thoughts, and your ideas.

While I believe that there is a nugget of truth to this theory, I think we also need to analyze inspiration. What is inspiration, and where does it comes from.

Good ideas do not just materialize from nothing. They slowly build from existing influences in our brains. Our brains are like sponges; they absorb any little idea that may help produce bigger ideas later on. It’s like a factory of thought; sorting through, and separating the bad ideas from the good.

The details we obtain in order to work creatively and produce creatively stem from watching TV, browsing the internet, reading, listening to music, etc. It’s only once we’ve taken in enough influence and let it ponder when we can use it as a tool to experiment and put our personal touch onto it.

So, pay attention to the TV, the music, your book, and the internet. Utilize them with a smart method to help yourself and your creative endeavors.

Written By: Michael M. Jones
